Welcome to EcoPods
We are a small company trying to change the way we interact with the natural resources available to us all. The concept behind the EcoPod is to provide a beautiful warm living space which has all the comforts of a house and built from 50% waste materials.
EcoPods can provide human habitation equal to, and in many cases superior to, modern buildings which have little regard to wastage in their construction, and even less in their usage of energy day to day.
We have ten years experience in building eco buildings and can work with you from your initial concept through to production drawings and construction.
“The Eco Pod is a metaphor of the world of to come. An example for everyone to explore the reality of a less wasteful world.”
We realized it is time to use our resources in a sustainable way. It is time to forget the path towards growth and profit. It is time to start reducing our consumption of energy and blatant wastage of resources. It is our goal make a sustainable world for our children to live in.